AUDIX Voice Power Initial Implementation
Press [F3] (SAVE).
The information is entered, the Assign Service to Voice Channels
form closes, and a Command Output window appears.
Press [F6] (CANCEL) to close the Command Output window and return to
the Voice Equipment window.
Reopen the Assign Service to Voice Channels form by pressing
[F8] (CHG-KEYS) and then pressing [F3] (ASSIGN) and repeat Steps 7
through 11 until services have been assigned to all voice channels.
Press [F6] (CANCEL) repeatedly to return to the Voice System
Administration menu.
Changing Service Assignments
To change service assignments, use the above procedure. The new assignments
replace the old assignments. To unassign a channel, press
[F8] (CHG-KEYS) and then press [F4] (UNASSIGN). The Unassign Service
From Voice Channel form appears. Enter the channel number(s) to be
unassigned, and press [F3] (SAVE). Channelsshould not beleftunassigned.’ln
most cases, an unassigned channel results in loss of system capacity. Also, a call
to an unassigned channel will result in an Event Log error message.