Line Assignments Form
The information in the lower area of the Line Assignments Form, under the
heading "Outside Telephone Lines," is almost identical to the information
under the same heading on the System Configuration Form you've already
completed. The only difference is that the leftmost column is headed
"Control Unit Jacks" on the System Configuration Form and "Lines" on the
Line Assignments From. This slight difference is to remind you that your
outside lines get their identifiers (A, B, C, etc.) from the control unit jacks
they are plugged into.
Under "Outside Telephone Lines" on the Line Assignments Form . . .
Copy the information already entered in the corresponding area of your
System Configuration Form.
You can also use the information already entered on your System
Configuration Form to complete this part of the Line Assignments Form.
In the "Name" column on the form . . .
Write the names of the people in your business next to their intercom
LINE ASSIGNMENTS When your system is first installed, before you do any system administration,
all your outside telephone lines appear on the same buttons on every voice
terminal in the system. These are the voice terminals' original line
assignments. Figure 2-1 shows the original line assignments for both 10-button
and 34-button voice terminals. A voice terminal retains its original line
assignments until someone administers it differently.
Line Assignments Form 2-7