Rotary Dialing
Time out
If you have any rotary lines and are having trouble calling out on
standard touch-tone phones, use this procedure to change the length of the
Rotary Dialing Timeout. For example, if users dial slowly and calls are not com-
pleted or are connected to wrong numbers, lengthen the timeout. Do not
change this setting unless the system is experiencing problems.
Valid Entries:
1 = 4 seconds
2 = 8 seconds
3 = 12 seconds
Use this procedure only if the Dial Mode (#201) for at least one
outside line in the system is set to rotary.
Programming Steps:
1. Press [ Feature ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ System Program ] [ System Program ] [ # ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] [ 8 ] . The
display reads:
Rotary Timeout
2 8-secs
2. Change the Rotary Dialing Timeout by entering the setting number as
listed above. For example, to lengthen the Rotary Dialing Timeout to 12
seconds, press [3] . The display reads:
Rotary Timeout
3 12-sees
Outside Conference
Prevents everyone on the system from including outside parties in
conference calls.
Valid Entries:
1 = Allow conference calls with outside parties
2 = Deny conference calls with outside parties
Programming Steps:
Press [ Feature ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ System Program ] [ System Program ] [ # ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] [ 9 ] .
display reads:
Outside Conf
1 Allowed
2. To deny conference calls with outside parties, press [ Next Data ] . The
display reads:
Outside Conf
2 Disallowed
3-8 System Programming