Secure Data Path Applicationv 20
9 Troubleshooting
The fault LED indicates that a signal is being received, but the signal contains enough faults to make
the port fail and go into bypass mode.
Port LEDs on the ATTO FibreCenter are
generally lighted if the port is enabled through the
Setup CLI command and an active device is
connected to the port. However, if you want to test
your configurations without having active devices
attached to the ports, enter the command Switch-
Forcemode while in the command line interface.
If the FibreCenter is not in force mode, however,
the port LEDs will behave as illustrated in the
table below.
LED If LED is illuminated If LED is not illuminated
OnLine Port is on-line and functioning properly No cable connected
Cable connected, but no device or host connected to cable
Cable connected between hub and connected device or
host, but the device is powered off
Fault See information below ATTO FibreCenter port is operating properly
Power A ATTO FibreCenter is receiving power
through power supply A
Power supply A is not installed or turned on
A power supply is active, but the FibreCenter is not receiving
power through power supply A
Power B ATTO FibreCenter is receiving power
through power supply B
Power supply B is not installed or turned on
A power supply is active, but the FibreCenter is not receiving
power through power supply B
Fault LED Condition
ON Port has been taken off-line, because it is not receiving proper signals due to the following:
Port is receiving bad / discontinuous signals
Bad cables
Device connected to the port is powered on, but failed
Cable may be too long / signal has deteriorated
SFP fault – an internal fault within the SFP connected to the port requires replacement.