Dumping Raw Data
The data stored in the unit may be transferred to a computer or printer for reprocessing. This data
is useful only with additional computer programs. Consult Quest for programs.
CODE Press key until CPU is displayed.
PRINT Prints raw data to computer.
ON Stops printout.
Changing Printer Parameters
Internal switch 3 contains the printer parameters. This switch may be changed without erasing
stored data. This allows switching printers or computers without destroying data (See Printer Setup, page
Internal switches 1 and 2 are read only when the unit is RESET.
Standards: ANSI S1.4-1983 type 2
ANSI S1.25-1978
IEC 651 type 2
UL Intrinsic Safety:
Class I Group C, D
Class II Group E, F
Class III
Detector: True RMS; 63 dB pulse range
Display: Liquid crystal display
Range: .01 to 2999
Annunciators: HTL, LTL, 3 dB, LOBAT, RUN, and PAUSE
Printout: RS-232 serial at 300, 600, 1200, or 2400 baud
or Centronics parallel Connector: 20 pin shrouded header
Microphone: 8 mm PZT ceramic, 36-inch cable, field replaceable
Battery: Single 9-volt alkaline, 80-hour battery life