
For best results, do not install or operate this unit near conditions of
heat, moisture, dust, or heavy vibrations. (Note: Bright fluorescent lights
may affect the visibility of the speed-indicating strobe dots. If this is a
problem, simply cover the area with your hand, an album cover, etc.)
Preparing to Play
1. If there is a stylus guard on your stylus assembly, remove it;
unlock the tone arm rest if it is locked.
2. Turn the power dial to the ON position. The speed selector and
strobe illuminator will light up.
3. If desired, plug in the stylus target light for illumination of the
stylus tip position on the record.
4. Place a record on the slip mat, lining up its center hole with the
center spindle. For 45RPM records, place the 45 RPM adapter on
the center spindle before placing the record on the platter.
5. Set the platter rotation speed (33/45/78) to match that of the
record. (Note: To set the platter speed for 78 RPM, push both the
33 and 45 RPM buttons simultaneously.)
Playing the Record
1. Press the start/stop button; the platter begins to rotate.
2. Raise the tone arm by lifting the tone arm lift control lever to the
UP position.
3. Position the tone arm over the desired location (groove) on
the record.
4. Lower the tone arm by moving the tone arm lift control lever to
the DOWN position. The tone arm descends slowly onto the
record and play begins.
– or –
Use the finger-lift on the headshell assembly to position the tone
arm over the desired location on the record. Carefully lower the
tone arm to the record surface.
Using Speed Accuracy Sensor
1. As illuminated by the blue light coming from beneath the power
dial, observe the strobe dots on the edge of the platter. If the
largest strobe dot appears to be stationary, the platter is moving
at the precise rated speed. If the dot appears to be moving to the
right, the platter is moving below rated speed; if the dot appears
to be moving to the left, the platter is moving above rated speed.
2. This indicator is provided to visually assure you that your turntable
is operating properly at the speed that you’ve selected. If at any
time the speed accuracy indication shows incorrect speed, please
contact Audio-Technica Service for further assistance.
Suspending or Ending Play
1. To suspend play, lift the tone arm with the cueing lever.
2. When play is finished, raise the cueing lever, move the tone arm
to the rest position and secure the tone arm with the tone arm
locking clamp.
3. If using the stylus target light, turn it off by removing it from
the jack.
4. Press the start/stop button to apply the brake and stop the
platter rotation.
5. Turn the power dial to the OFF position.
Turntable operates but emits no sound or not enough sound.
1. The stylus guard is still in place. Remove the stylus guard.
2. The tone arm is in the lift position. Lower the tone arm.
3. Mixer/amplifier (system) controls are set incorrectly: wrong input
selected, tape monitor on, speakers switched off, etc. Verify
proper control settings.
4. Stylus is broken or missing. Check the stylus assembly and
replace if necessary.
5. The stylus assembly may not be fully seated in the cartridge body.
Check the cartridge and adjust if necessary.
6. The turntable pre-amp selector switch is set in the wrong position.
Verify that it is set for proper output to match mixer/amplifier input.
- No sound/very weak sound: Phono setting into an
Aux/Line input.
- Very loud/distorted sound: Line setting into a Phono input.
Note: If using in USB or line mode, the pre-amp selector switch must
be in the Line position.
Turntable operates but stylus “skips” across record.
1. The stylus guard is still in place. Remove the stylus guard.
2. The tracking force is set too light. Set tracking force per cartridge
manufacturer’s recommendation.
3. The tracking force is set too heavy (stylus assembly is bottoming
out on record). Set tracking force per cartridge manufacturer’s
4. The anti-skate control is set improperly. Verify anti-skate is set for
same value as cartridge tracking force.
5 Turntable is picking up excessive vibrations from floor, walls, or
nearby speakers. Reduce vibrations or place turntable on sturdy/
solid surface.
Record sounds too fast or too slow.
1. Turntable is set for wrong speed. Make proper speed selection for
record type being played with platter speed buttons.
Strobe dots are difficult to see and/or stylus illuminator is very dim.
1. Excessively bright or fluorescent light interferes with strobe
indicator. Hold hand, record jacket, etc. over strobe indicator to
shield it from bright light.