The Toolbar is your primary access point for Audio Creator's various modules. Each
module (except the Audio Editor) is dedicated to a single task. You can access a
module simply by clicking its button on the Toolbar, or by dragging files onto a button.
You can also access application help and preferences via the Toolbar. Because Audio
Creator is meant to be left on (open and running)–the Toolbar can be minimized to
the Windows system tray.
Starting most tasks is easy:
1. Drag an audio file (.mp3, .wav, .wma, etc.) onto the button that names the task
you want to do.
2. Release the file on the button.
3. The correct module for that task opens, with the file or files you dragged
already displayed.
Overview of pyro Audio Creator GUI and Controls
A. Module buttons
B. Button to open the Audio Options dialog
C. Help button
D. Minimize to Tray button
When you click a module button, or drag files onto it, the button turns blue, and
stays blue as long as that module is open. You can have more than one module
open at a time.