
2. Installation
3.Objectsand Liquids
Thank you for selecting the D705PK portable DVD Player. The main features include a 7" Screen (16:9 Aspect Ratio) Liquid
Crystal Display(LCD) monitorand aDVD Player.The unitapplies thelatest state-of-the-artelectronics andis designedfor usein
hotels, offices, homes or vehicles.The unit is constructed to provide years of reliable, trouble-free service, is compact so that
you can take it with you anywhere, and is designed for quick and easy installation. Please read the entire instruction manual
supplied withthis product prior tooperation. Thedocumentation will assistyou in installing thesystem properly toobtain the best
equipmentperformance.Please savethismanualforlater use.
To prevent fire or electric shock, do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture. Do not place the set on an unstable cart,
stand, tripod, bracket or table to preventit from falling. Keep the unit away from strong magnets, heat sources, directsunlight,
or excessive dust. If the unit is brought directly from a cold to a warm location, moisture may condense inside the unit. When
you move it from a cold to a warm location, wait for about one hourbefore operating the unit, or remove the disc and leave the
unitturnedon untilthemoistureevaporates.
Ensurethatthe D705isinstalledandusedin accordancewiththeinstructionsand illustrationsprovidedinthismanual.
Donot pushobjectsofany kindintotheunit throughopenings;do notspill,splash orspray liquidofanykind onorinthe system
(this mayresult in afire or electricshock). Do not placeanything heavy onthe unit. Donot place anyopen flame sources,such
aslightedcandles, ontheunit.
Toensure properventilationandproperoperation, nevercoverorblockthe slotsandopeningswithacloth orothermaterial.
Do not attempt to disassemble the case or replace the battery. There is a risk of electric shock and/or exposure to Laser
Radiation.Contactqualified servicepersonnelifyoursystem isinneedofrepair.
When cleaning, make sure the system is unplugged from the power source. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners.
Useacloth lightlydampenedwithwaterforcleaning theexterioroftheDVD Player systemonly.
Do notuse irregularly shaped discssuch as heartor star-shaped discsas they maycause the unit tomalfunction. Do notstick
paper, tapeor glueon thedisc. Donot exposethe discto directsunlight orheat sourcessuch ashot airducts. Donot touchthe
surface of the disc. Handle the disc by its edge. Clean the disc by wiping the disc from the center out with a cleaning cloth.
Remove the disc from the unit and store it in its case after playing. Some playback operations of discs may be intentionally
fixed bysoftware producers.Since thisunit playsdiscs accordingto the disccontents thesoftware producersdesigned, some
playbackfeaturesmay notbeavailable. Also, refertotheinstructionssupplied withthediscs.
Both the DVD Player and disc are coded by region. These regional codes must match in order for the disc to play. If the
codes don't match, the disc won't play. This unit’s code is region 1. DVDs with other regional codes cannot be played in
this unit.
1. 1 x 7" LCD Monitor and DVD Player With Built-In Battery
2. 1 x AC to DC Adapter
3. 1 x Remote Control with Batteries (2 X 1.5 V, Size AAA)
4. 1 x Instruction Manual
5. 1 x Audio/Video Cable
6. 1 x DC Power Adapter
7. 1 x Headphone Splitter
8. 2 x Wired Headphones
9. 1 x Carry Bag