How to Perform A Leak Test “FIRST TIME USE” and as required
Supplies Needed for a Leak Test:
• Clean paint brush
• Water
• Dish washing liquid
1. Use an LP Gas Cylinder equipped with an OPD (Overfill Prevention Device) and have it filled at an authorized LP
gas dealer by a qualified attendant.
2. Make sure all grill Control Panel Knobs are turned to the “Off” position and verify that the LP Gas Cylinder valve is
closed by turning the knob on the LP Gas Cylinder clockwise until it stops.
3. Mix one part of water with one part of dish washing liquid.
4. With the regulator hose connected to the LP Gas Cylinder, turn the knob on the Cylinder counterclockwise. (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Check for leaks at
Cylinder Valve and
Regulator Connection
and Fittings
5. Check for leaks by brushing the soap solution on all gas valves, hose connections and fittings. (Shown by the heavy
arrows in Fig. 2 & 3) Make sure you generously brush the locations with the soap solution, completely surrounding
the connections and fittings.
Fig. 3
Model 6112 ONLY
Be sure to route the regulator hose UNDER the
Clyinder Retainer Wire as shown below.