4. Push the Igniter Button in until the Burner is lit. Listen for the spark ignition, and look to make sure the Burner is lit.
If no spark, first be sure the gap between the electrode and burner is 3/16” (Fig. 10). If still no spark see Trouble-
shooting Section on page 23.
5. From the “Off” position, light all other Burners, making sure each Burner is lit before lighting the next. As in step 4,
push the Igniter Button in until the Burner is lit. Each burner has its own igniter operated by the one igniter button.
6. If the Burner fails to light, repeat Steps 3 and 4.
If a Burner goes out during operation, turn all Control Knobs to the “Off” position and close the LP Gas Cylinder valve to
dissipate any accumulated gas. Wait five minutes before attempting to relight the grill.
If any or all Burners fail to light after three to four attempts following Steps 3-4 turn all Control Knobs to the “Off” posi-
tion and close the LP Gas Cylinder valve to dissipate any accumulated gas. Wait five minutes; then repeat the lighting
NOTE: If the Burners still fail to light, refer to the Troubleshooting Section on page 23. The Burner can also be lit
manually, see
Manual Lighting of the Grill on page 16.
3/16” gap
Gently bend the electrode wire so
there is a 3/16” gap between the
wire end and the burner
Fig. 10