Hardware Configuration Guidelines
Consult the Autodesk Web site at www.autodesk.com/lustre-documentation for the latest version
of guides, release notes, and fixed and known bugs documents.
Hardware Configuration Guidelines
In most cases, hardware integration and application installation is done on delivery by an
authorized technician, and some of the procedures in this guide may not be necessary. Still, it is
a good idea to read through all chapters to familiarize yourself with the configuration
procedures for the following reasons:
• Many suspected problems with your Lustre system may be due to loosened connections or
improperly configured devices. This guide helps you troubleshoot problems by providing
information about properly configured systems.
• If you need to call Customer Support, familiarity with this guide puts you in a better position
to provide diagnostic information.
• If you want to move your Lustre system at any time, or upgrade certain hardware components,
information in this guide is crucial.
Although this guide, in conjunction with the Autodesk Stone Direct Configuration Guide,
provides complete information regarding hardware component configuration, it should only be
undertaken by an experienced hardware integrator. This individual should be familiar with the
Installation and Configuration Guides Provides
Hardware Setup Guide
(for your workstation)
Information on how to set up your workstation
and video I/O peripherals.
Stone Direct Configuration Guide
Provides detailed connectivity diagrams and
configuration procedures for your Stone storage
Autodesk Lustre 2009 Software Installation
(for your operating system)
Information about installing and licensing your
Autodesk Lustre software.
Note: For Lustre and Incinerator, see the
Incinerator 2009 Installation and User Guide
Stone and Wire Filesystem and Networking
(for this release)
Procedures for configuring your Wiretap®
Other Guides Provides
Autodesk Lustre Sparks API Reference
Instructions for developing Sparks® plugins for
Autodesk Backburner 2008.1 Installation
Autodesk Backburner 2008.1 User Guide
Information on how to install, set up, and use
Autodesk Backburner™.