Setting the Dial Plan on SIP IP Telephones
Issue 4 August 2006 113
Setting the Dial Plan on SIP IP Telephones
A dial plan is used during manual dialing to allow a call to be initiated without using a Send
button and without waiting for the expiration of a timeout interval. The dial plan consists of one
or more format strings separated by the logical OR symbol ( I ). When the dialed digits match a
format string in the dial plan, the call is initiated. The DIALPLAN parameter defines the dial plan.
Valid characters in a format string, and their meanings, are as follows:
digits 0 through 9, inclusive = Specific dialpad digits
* = the dialpad character *
# = the dialpad character # (but only if it is the first character in the dialed string – see below)
x = any dialpad digit (i.e., 0-9)
Z or z = present dial tone to the user (for example, for Feature Access Code (FAC) entry)
[ ] = any one character within the brackets is a valid match for a dial plan string
- = any one digit between the bounds within the brackets, inclusive, is a match
+ = the character preceding the + can repeat 0 or more additional times, for a valid match
Dial plan example:
[2-4]xxx: Four-digit dial extensions, with valid extensions starting with 2, 3, or 4;
[68]xxx: Four-digit dial extensions, with valid extensions starting with 6 or 8;
*xx: Two-digit Feature Access Codes, preceded by a *;
9Z1xxxxxxxxxx: Network Access Code (“9 for an outside line”), followed by dial tone,
followed by any string of 10 digits– typical instance of Automatic Route Selection (ARS) for
standard US long distance number;
9z011x+: Network Access Code (“9 for an outside line”), followed by dial tone, followed by
at least one digit – typical instance of Automatic Route Selection (ARS) for US access to
international numbers of unknown, and variable, length.
Table 10
provides definitions and valid values for each SIP dial plan parameter.