
4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator’s Guide
Customer Support
ISO/IEC, ANSI/IEEE Documents 1
The following documents are available for a fee from the ISO/IEC standards web site: http:/
International Standard ISO/IEC 8802-2:1998 ANSI/IEEE Std 802.2, 1998 Edition, Information
technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and
metropolitan area networks- Specific requirements- Part 2: Logical Link Control.
ISO/IEC 15802-3: 1998 ANSI/IEEE Std 802.1D, 1998 Edition, Information technology-
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems- Local and metropolitan area
networks- Common specifications- Part 3: Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges.
IEEE Std 802.1Q-1998, IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Virtual
Bridged Local Area Networks.
Customer Support 1
For support for your 4600 Series IP Telephones, call the Avaya support number provided to you by
your Avaya representative or Avaya reseller.
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