Issue 1.1 September 2004 35
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
This section describes some simple troubleshooting procedures. If you experience a problem
that is not covered here, contact your System Administrator.
Basic Troubleshooting Chart
Problem/Symptom Suggested Solution
Phone does not activate when it is
plugged in and nothing appears on
the display.
The set may not be receiving power.
Ensure that the Ethernet cable is
plugged into the jack labeled and
that the power source is plugged into a
working outlet.
Phone has information on the
display, but does not respond to
button pushes.
Try restarting the phone by unplugging
the Ethernet cable plugged into the jack
labeled and re-plugging the cable.
Display shows an error or
informational message.
Write down the message or messages
that appear and contact your System
Audio quality is poor on both the
handset and speaker. You might
hear clipped, garbled, or severely
delayed speech.
Various potential network problems
might be causing this problem.
Provide your System Administrator with
information about when this happened
and how long it lasted.
The phone’s display shows
Registration Failed.
You might be entering an incorrect login
name or password. Verify the proper
login and password you can use with
your System Administrator.
No audio from the handset, but the
speaker works properly.
Double-check that the handset is
properly plugged into the phone. Try
swapping a handset from a similar
phone to determine if the handset or
cord is defective.