External modems
102 Issue 4 October 2002
Configuring the 3910 for CMS
The COMSPHERE 3910 modem may be used as the Call Management System
(CMS) Remote Console Modem or as a device that provides serial connectivity to
CMS through the Network Terminal Server (NTS). The instructions below set up
the modem for use in CMS (other configurations may work as well).
Understanding the modem controls and displays
You control the modem by using the buttons on the front panel of the modem to
change menus and select menu items displayed on a small LCD screen. The
buttons do the following:
The arrow and function buttons described in this section are located
on the front panel of the modem, not on a PC keyboard or terminal.
■ Single Up Arrow moves up one level in the menu tree.
■ Double Up Arrow moves to the top level of the menu tree.
■ Left Arrow moves to the previous choice at the current level of the menu
■ Right Arrow moves to next choice at the current level of the menu tree.
■ F1 selects the choice displayed above F1.
■ F2 selects the choice displayed above F2.
■ F3 selects the choice displayed above F3.
For our purposes, the on-screen prompt strap group indicates a collection of
related configuration settings.
Modem menus can be confusing because you only get to see one or two
headings or items at a time. The modem also has a limited set of command
words, so many of them have to be used more than once, and commands seem
to be repeating themselves. This can be confusing. To avoid missing a step,
check the values on the display after you enter a command, and make sure the
result agrees with that listed in the corresponding step in the instructions.