Local Administrative Options
58 4600 Series IP Telephone Installation Guide
Disable/Enable Automatic Gain Control
Use the following procedure to turn automatic gain control for the handset, headset, and/or the
Speaker on or off.
1. While the telephone is on-hook and idle, press the following sequence of keys on the
faceplate of the telephone:
Mute 2 4 2 # (Mute A G C #)
Note: Press the Mute button momentarily. Do not press this button while pressing other
keys/buttons. The 4630/4630SW IP Telephones and the 4690 IP Conference
Telephone do not have a dedicated Hold button. For all other 4600 Series IP
Telephones, pressing the Hold button instead of the Mute button also works.
2. After entry of the command sequence, all telephones except the 4601 display the following,
based on the current value of the system value AGCHAND:
3. To change the AGC Handset value from On to Off, press 0. To change the AGC Handset
value from Off to On, press 1.
If the telephone has a Headset interface one of the following displays, based on the current
value of the system value AGCHEAD:
If the telephone does not have a headset interface, proceed to Step 5.
4. To change the AGC Headset value from On to Off, press 0. To change the AGC Headset
value from Off to On, press 1.
One of the following displays, based on the current value of the system value AGCSPKR:
If AGCHAND = 1: Handset AGC=on
0=off #=OK
If AGCHAND = 0: Handset AGC=off
1=on #=OK
If AGCHEAD = 1: Headset AGC=on
0=off #=OK
If AGCHEAD = 0: Headset AGC=off
1=on #=OK
If AGCSPKR = 1: Speaker AGC=on
0=off #=OK
If AGCSPKR = 0: Speaker AGC=off
1=on #=OK