Converged network design
Issue 6 January 2008 313
References for Converged network design on page 304
1. Infonetics 2/11/2004.
2. Network World 10/26/2004.
3. DMreview 2/18/2004.
4. Medium businesses lose $867,000 a year to network downtime 3/09/2006.
5. Gartner Research 7/03/2001.
6. Understanding and Dealing with Operator Mistakes in Internet Services, USNIX 10/04/
7. Enterprise Computing and Networking, Yankee Group 11/2004.
8. A separate management subnet would be expected, but is unrelated to the service address
9. Marcus, Stern Blueprints for High Availability, Wiley & Sons 2000.
10. Moving the L2 address to the standby device limits the disruption to the address forwarding
tables of the L2 switches, which are designed to accommodate rapid connectivity moves.
Gratuitous ARP’ing to rebind the L2 address at the termination level requires all connected
devices to update their forwarding tables and increases the scope and interdependency of
the perturbation.
11. See the discussion of VRRP and equivalent protocols in the section on Layer 3 availability
12. Some implementations address this by allowing the link state of different interfaces to be
coupled. These techniques are also applicable to the OSPF solution, but are typically