FAS; Reviewed:
WCH 10/22/2004
Solution & Interoperability Test Lab Application Notes
©2004 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Steps Description
6. Repeat steps 4-5 for each button desired, selecting most frequently used Outboard Proxy SIP
features for assignment to the buttons. A representative button arrangement is shown below.
When finished, press the settings button to exit from phone configuration mode.
6. Verification Steps
The following steps can be used to verify and/or troubleshoot installations in the field.
1. After rebooting the 7940/7960 telephone, use the settings button at the phone to verify
that the parameters set in the default (proxy server address and port number, register with
proxy, etc.) and phone-specific (User ID, Password, etc.) configuration files have been
loaded. Verify that the phone icon by each defined line appearance does not have an “X”
next to it, indicating that registration has not occurred. If the “X” appears, check that the
proxy server IP address and port number are correct and that the Proxy Register
parameter is set to Yes. Verify that the line appearance shows the Communication
Manager extension for that phone.