Avaya C460 SMON User Guide 67
Using Protocol Distribution and DSCP Statistics
Default and User Defined Protocols
Protocol Directory automatically includes a number of popular protocols
for the Avaya C460 router modules to monitor, referred to as Default
Protocols, listed in the table below. In addition, you can include other
protocols for monitoring by specifying corresponding TCP/UDP ports,
referred to as User Defined Protocols.
Default Protocols include a number of network and transport protocols
(Layers 3 and 4 in the OSI seven-layer model), such as IP and ARP, as well
as many popular application protocols (Layer 7), such as Telnet and SMTP.
User Defined Protocols are TCP/UDP port numbers corresponding to
application protocols (Layer 7) you select for the Avaya C460 router
module to monitor.
The following table provides a list of the Default Protocols with a
description of the protocols.
The following table provides a list of the seven initial User Protocols with
a description of the protocols.
Table 9-1. Default Protocols
Protocol Description
IP Total IP packets travelling through the device.
ARP ARP packets travelling through the device.
VRRP VRRP packets travelling through the device.
ICMP ICMP packets travelling through the device.
OSPF OSPF packets travelling through the device over IPX.
RIP RIP packets travelling through the device.
Table 9-2. User Protocols
Protocol Description
FTP over TCP/IP FTP packets travelling through the device over IP.
Telnet over TCP/IP Telnet packets travelling through the device
SMTP over TCP/IP SMTP packets travelling through the device.
HTTP over TCP/IP HTTP packets travelling through the device
POP3 over TCP/IP POP3 packets travelling through the device.