
Avaya Inc.
Installation and Operation
Model EA401
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Model EA401 Explosive Atmosphere Telephone
This Explosive Atmosphere telephone provides safe and reliable communication in hazardous
locations, up to and including Class I Division 1. Only standard wiring and fittings are required to
connect the telephone to the system; no barrier is necessary. Since the heavy duty cast aluminum
enclosure is basically soundproof, an external device to signal incoming calls is required.
cast copper free aluminum with powder coat finish
Internal Sealed Cavities
completely seal the unit
standard configuration with an additional row of buttons for Last
Number Redial, Link/Flash to access PABX features and Line Release
to duplicate hanging up the handset
one inch diameter buttons for gloves-on operation
Circuitry Coating
circuit boards have a UV cured epoxy coating which provides protection
from corrosive agents such as H
, and NH
and environments
with high humidity
Magnetic Reed Hook Switch
no moving parts, activates when the handset is removed from or placed
in the telephone cradle
Tone (DTMF) Operation
selectable in the field; factory set to operate to tone (DTMF) exchanges
Intrinsically Safe Handset Operation
the output from the telephone to the handset passes through an
intrinsically safe barrier ensuring a high degree of safety
Field Replaceable Handset
the 10’ handset cord is designed for industrial applications and is
attached to the telephone by a connector for ease of replacement
Field Replaceable Fuse
a fitting in the bottom of the enclosure provides access to the fuse
Hearing-Aid Compatibility
the handset is compatible with inductively coupled hearing-aid devices