WAN Configuration
114 Avaya Integrated Management Release 4.0.1 Software Update Manager
Figure 42: Channel Group Dialog Box - Sub-Interfaces Tab
The Sub-Interfaces tab of the Channel Group dialog box provides a list of Frame Relay
sub-interfaces in the upper section of the dialog box. To view configuration information for a
specific Frame Relay sub-interface, click the Sub-Frame-Relay interface in the list.
Configuration information for the selected Frame Relay sub-interface appears in the bottom of
the dialog box.
You can create, modify, and delete Frame Relay sub-interfaces using the Sub-Interfaces tab of
the Channel Group dialog box.
To create a new Frame Relay sub-interface:
1. Click Insert. A new row appears in the Sub-Frame-Relay Interfaces list.
2. Enter the parameters for the Frame Relay sub-interface using the fields at the bottom of the
dialog box.
3. Click Apply. The Frame Relay sub-interface is created.
To modify the parameters of a Frame Relay sub-interface:
1. Click the Frame Relay sub-interface you want to modify. The configuration parameters of
the selected Frame Relay sub-interface appear in the bottom of the dialog box.
2. Modify the parameters you want to change using the fields at the bottom of the dialog box.
3. Click Apply. The Frame Relay sub-interface parameters are modified.