Installation and Upgrades for G700 with S8300 or S8700
555-234-100 — Issue 3 — May 2003
3 Installing a New G700 with an
This chapter covers the procedures to install the software and firmware on an new Avaya
G700 Media
Gateway with an Avaya
S8300 Media Server. The S8300 can be configured as either the primary
controller or as a local survivable processor (LSP). For an LSP, the primary controller, running Avaya
Communication Manger, can be either another S8300 or an Avaya
S8700 Media Server.
Note: Procedures to install or upgrade an S8700 Media Server are not covered in this
document. See Avaya
S8300 and S8700 Media Server Library, which is on the
Avaya Support website (http://www.avaya.com/support) or on the CD, 555-233-
The steps to install an S8300 configured as an LSP are the same as the steps to install an S8300 configured
as the primary controller, with the following additional considerations:
• The version of Communication Manager on the LSP must be the same as, or later than, the version
running on the primary controller.
• For an LSP, you administer Communication Manager on the primary controller, not on the LSP. The
primary controller then copies the Communication Manager translations to the LSP.
Note: If you are using the Avaya Installation Wizard (AIW), the AIW performs tasks
automatically starting with
“Transfer Files from a CD or Hard Drive of Laptop” on
page 99. However, the AIW does not install and configure an X330 Expansion
module nor does it install Communication Manager patches or perform
administration on the S8700 Media Server. These tasks you must still perform as
described in this document.
In addition, for an S8300 Media Server, AIW administers only the Media Gateway
screen (add media-gateway). AIW also administers only default values for the IP
region. Finally, you must define any LSPs on the S8300 Media Server manually
using the procedures in this document.
Installation Overview
G700 components
A P330 stack processor is built into the G700 Media Gateway. (This processor is also known as the Layer 2
switching processor). The G700 also contains an MGP processor, a VoIP processor, and media modules.
Updating the firmware for one or more of these processors and/or media modules is a required part of most
S8300 software upgrades.
Software and firmware files