NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 39
Graphical displays
Opening a graphical display
View a graphical display.
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time Reporting (page 23).
• Create at least one graphical display. See Adding a graphical display (page 38).
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In the left pane, click the folder containing the graphical display to view.
2 Click the graphical display to view.
3 In the right pane, review the current settings for the graphical display.
4 If you change settings, click Submit to save your changes.
5 Click Launch.
While you view an agent map or billboard graphical display, the display can change
color. This change alerts you when the statistic values exceed the configured threshold
values. In addition to changing color, if you select the Pop to front on threshold option
when you configure the display, the display moves to the front of all other browser
windows open on your computer. The display does not move to the front of open
software applications, such as Microsoft Word. For agent map displays, text flashes
when a threshold value is reached while you view the display in box view (if you
configure the display with this feature).
Deleting a graphical display
When you no longer require a graphical display, you can delete the display.
• If you logged on as the administrative user, webadmin, you can open the Public
Graphical Displays folder and delete the displays.
• If you log on as another user, however, you can delete only the graphical displays
that you save in your Private Graphical Displays folder.
• Log on to Real-Time Reporting. See Logging on to Real-Time Reporting (page 23).