Chapter 3 Configuration
11 (8) – LECS ATM Address
This option allows you to change the LECS ATM address. This address is derived
using the following algorithm:
1. Address entered by the user
2. ILMI (if the user has not entered a value)
3. Well-known address (WKA)
4. VP0 VC17
It is therefore not necessary to enter the well-known address in this screen.
To access the LECS ATM address menu select the LECS ATM address option:
LECS ATM address menu
Visage 16155(R) S/W Version: ____ Slot #: ____
<CR> Refresh the screen
0. Return to Previous Menu
1. Display LECS ATM address
2. Display configured LECS ATM address
3. Display Default LECS ATM address
4. Change configured LECS ATM address
>>>Enter your choice:
Changing the Configured LECS ATM address
1. To change the configured LECS ATM address select Change configured LECS
ATM address:
LECS ATM address :
Configured LECS ATM address : using ILMI/WKA/PVC
Default LECS ATM address : using ILMI/WKA/PVC
>>> Enter LECS ATM address (xx.xx ... 20 bytes, 0 for using ILMI/WKA/PVC) : 0
>>> PRESS Enter to continue:
34 P117F(R) Stackable Switch Installation Guide