
Chapter 6 CLI – Layer 2
120 Avaya P332MF User’s Guide
The syntax for this command is:
set secure mac <mac-address> port <mod-num>/<port-num>
set security mode
Use the set security mode command to enable or disable MAC security at the
stack level. When enabled, the ports are secured based on their individual
configuration. When disabled, all the ports in a stack are non-secured.
The syntax for this command is:
set security mode { enable | disable }
Output Example:
P330-N> set security mode enable
Security mode enabled.
set arp-aging-interval
Use this command to set the ARP table aging interval for gateways’ entries in the
agent ARP table. The MAC value for the default gateway of ML agent in the ARP
table, is deleted at the end of every aging interval. The default value is 10 minutes.
The syntax for this command is:
set arp-aging-interval <value>
P330-N# set arp-aging-interval 20
ARP aging interval was set to 20 minutes.
set arp-tx-interval
Use the set arp-tx-interval command to set the keep-alive frames sending interval.
Setting the interval to 0 disables the transmission of the keep-alive frames.
The syntax for this command is:
set arp-tx-interval <value>
value The number representing the interval, from 0-10 minutes.
value The interval, in seconds.