2 Quick Reference
Defining the Format Header
Use this section with either XML-enabled option. A Format Header
begins a format file.
Syntax {F,format#,action,device,measure,length,
F1. F Format Header.
F2. format# Number from 1-999 to identify the format.
F3. action Enter A to add a new format to the printer.
F4. device Format storage device. Use F (Flash).
F5. measure Unit of measure: E (English), M (Metric), or
G (Graphic Dots).
Printer Unit of Measure Length Width
9855/9860 English (1/100 inch)
Metric (1/10 mm)
203 dpi Dots
Refer to the optional Packet Reference Manual for
more information.
F6. length Length in selected units. Measure supply from the
leading edge of one label to the leading edge of the
next label. The leading edge is the edge that exits
the printer first.
F7. width Width, from left to right, in selected units.
F8. "name" Format name, 1-256 characters, enclose within
quotation marks. The name can contain special
characters, excluding non-printable control characters
and the quotation mark (").
Example {F,1,A,F,E,300,200,"XML_FORMAT_ONE"¦
Defines the name for format 1 as XML_FORMAT_ONE.