Operators Manual
ALS 330/430
Release 4/06 Page 39 Menu structure
5.1 Standard menu
Usually this menu is used for labelling. All important parameters can be changed while the
machine is running. After turning power on, the standard menu is active, unless the product
menu was on before the machine was switched off.
If the product menu is active and you want to use the standard menu, switch off the machine
again. Press the key NEXT FUNCTION while switching on the machine and the standard menu
is active. In the standard menu you have access to all important parameters for labelling. The
number of parameter and its kind depends on how the configuration has been made. Change
of parameters is active immediately. Changed values are lost when turning off power. If values
need to be stored, the extended standard menu has to be used. All available commands are
listed down below.
Display Function Values
ON Normal operation
OFF Stop labelling operation
Initialisation of label sensor and label
pitch detection
After status of E__0 and E__1
POS Position of label on the product Up to 999.9 mm
Stop position of label at the dispensing
0,0 ..... 200,0 mm
VELO Labelling speed 0.2 ... 30.0 m/min
STAD Delay time for labelling with applicator 1 ... 9999 ms
BLOW apply time 0.1 ... 999.9 ms
Initialisation ______________________________________________________ INIT
The function INIT is available only, if required for a new initialisation. Which is the case under
the following circumstances:
a) Status error message E__0, the feed key was pressed with pressure roller open
b) Status E__1, while moving the label web no labels have been recognised over a web
length of 4 labels.
c) During power on the FEED key was held depressed.
d) CONT or LPIT were changed to automatic mode.
Note: A new initialisation after an E__0 or E__1 message is not absolutely
necessary if you sure that the label parameter are all right. Then leave the INIT
display with the NEXT key and press only the key FEED to reposition the label at
the dispensing edge.