
The mute buttons will silence the
trackʼs contribution to the main bus
and/or send bus you have chosen.
The solo button will only allow the
audio through for this track and any
other soloed tracks. If you want other
tracks coming through the Mix 51
mixer, then they need to be soloed
also. The “PRE” button is used for
allowing the level going to the send
bus to follow both the main volume
fader and the send fader (“post-
fader”, when the “PRE” button is not
selected). When the “PRE” button is
clicked/highlighted, the level going to
the send bus is not affected by the
main volume control.
5.1 Panner
This is the two-dimensional panner
(“X/Y” panner) that allows Mix 51 to
perform true surround panning into a
left-center-right plus left-
surround/right-surround set of
outputs. Either click on the orange
“+” control and drag around to
perform panning moves, or use the
sliders on either the bottom or side of
the panning grid. Place the panner
control completely into one of the
speaker icons to do a “hard” pan to
one of the outputs. The text displays
below the panner show the positions
in values from -100 to +100 for both
the Left-to-Right and Front-to-Rear
Center %
The center percent control adjusts
the amount of signal that goes to the
center output versus how much goes
to the left/right outputs. For example,
with center % set to zero, a center-
panned signal will be an equal blend
between the left and right outputs,
with none going to the center output.
In contrast, a center % of 100 means
that a center panned signal will be
completely in the center output, with
none going to the left or right
outputs. Less than 100 means a
blend of center output along with
left/right when a signal is panned to
the center.
Divergence Controls
The Front, Rear, and Front/Rear
Divergence controls allow you to
“bleed” some of the signal into other
channels without having to pull the
panner into the middle of the grid.
When the Divergence controls are
set to 100 they are essentially “off”,
whereas 0 means “send the signal
everywhere”. The blue box drawn
inside the panner display shows the
effective “limits” of the panner
depending on the settings of the
Divergence controls. For example,
when the F/R Diverge control is set
to 50%, part of the signal will always
be sent to the rear speakers even
when the panner is set to be fully in
front. Similarly, the other Diverge
controls will “bleed” signal across the
front speakers or rear speakers
depending on the setting. Grab the
Diverge knobs with the mouse and
move up/down or side-to-side to
adjust the level.
LFE Control
Use the LFE fader to adjust the track
level of LFE into the bus you have
chosen. This level is post-fader (from
the main volume level), so if you
need to send a signal to the LFE