2 AutoView 1400/1500/2000 Installer/User Guide
OSCAR graphical user interface
AutoView switches use the OSCAR interface, which features intuitive menus to configure your
switching system and select computers. Computers can be identified by unique name, EID or port
number, allowing you to assign unique server names.
The OSCAR interface allows you to protect your system with a screen saver password. After a
user-defined time, the screen saver mode engages and access is prohibited until the appropriate
password is entered to reactivate the system.
Operation modes
The OSCAR user interface provides convenient operation modes for easy system administration of
the AutoView switch. These modes (Broadcast, Scan, Switch and Share) allow you to manage your
switching activities. Chapter 3 explains these modes in detail.
The AutoView switch provides optimal resolution for analog VGA, SVGA and XGA video.
Achieve resolutions of up to 1600 x 1200 with a 100 foot (30 meter) cable. Resolutions will vary
depending upon the length of cable separating your switch and servers.
NOTE: Resolutions above 1280 x 1024 may need to be manually set in the operating systems display settings.
Distances up to 100 feet (30 meters) are subject to cable quality and environmental factors.
Plug and Play
The AutoView switch also supports Display Data Channel (DDC) Plug and Play, which automates
configuration of the monitor and is compliant with the VESA DDC2B standard.
Flash upgradable
Upgrade your firmware at any time through a simple update utility to ensure that your AutoView
switching system is always running the most current version available. Both the AutoView switch
and the AVRIQ modules are Flash upgradable. See Appendix A for more information.
Cascading expansion
Each AutoView switch supports up to 16 directly attached servers and can conveniently scale to
support more. You can expand your system using cascadable Avocent products such as other
AutoView or OutLook
switches. This extra “cascade” of units allows you to attach up to 256
servers in one system. See Chapter 2 for more information.
Local user accounts
The AutoView 1400/1500/2000 switches enable an administrator to configure up to four user
accounts for use with the switch. These user accounts allow the administrator to restrict what ports