4 OutLook ES Series Installer/User Guide
FLASH upgradable
The OutLook ES is FLASH upgradable. This allows you to update your
firmware at any time through a simple serial connection to ensure that your
OutLook system is always running the most current version available.
Built-in scanning capabilities
A built-in scanning feature allows you to automatically monitor, or scan,
connected computers without intervention. When keyboard activity is
detected, scanning is suspended until all activity stops. Scanning then resumes
with the next server in sequence.
Cascading expansion
Each Outlook ES switch supports up to 16 directly attached servers, depending
on the model. If more than 16 are needed, multiple units can be cascaded
together with one unit designated as the primary switch and additional units
connected to it as secondary switches. This extra cascade of units allows you to
attach up to 256 servers in one system.
Figure 1.1: Example OutLook Configuration