Chapter 3: Basic Operations 15
6. The Confi gure Cascade Switches dialog box appears if AVWorks detects an
attached legacy switch. This box contains a list of all AVRIQ adaptor EIDs
(Electronic Identifi cation Numbers) retrieved from the appliance and the
cascade switches to which they are connected, if any. When this dialog
box fi rst displays, all the switches will be set to None. Switches detected
will have an icon next to the pulldown menu.
a. The Existing Cascade Switches fi eld contains all the current switches
defi ned in the database. Click Add, Delete or Modify to alter the list.
b. Associate the appropriate switch from the pulldown menus for each
AVRIQ that has a switch attached.
Figure 3.3: Configure Cascade Switches Dialog Box
7. When you reach the fi nal page of the Wizard, click Finish to exit the
Wizard and return to the main window. Your appliance should now
appear in the Unit Selector pane.
To manually install a new appliance with no assigned IP address:
1. Select File - New - AutoView 1000R/2000R from the AVWorks Explorer menu.
Click the New Appliance task button. The New Appliance Wizard appears.
Click Next to continue.
2. You are prompted to indicate if the AutoView 1000R/2000R has an
assigned IP address. Click No and then click Next.
3. The Network Address window appears. Type the IP address, subnet mask