
40Chapter 4 - Step-by-Step Instructions
The multilink circuit can be tested by temporarily deactivating the interface on the primary link. This is done in
the ADMIN=> START/STOP INTERFACE menu by selecting the SWAN interface. If there is traffic, the backup
link should then take over, and the menu item INFO =>SHOW ROUTING TABLE will show that the backup link
is working. (To create traffic, try pinging a host in the destination network.) At this point, you should create a
backup of the configuration file (in binary) and print out a listing of the configuration.
Instructions for creating a backup of the configuration file:
Use the menu option ADMIN =>WRITE CONFIGURATION =>TO FTP SERVER. Fill in the IP address of the
computer where the configuration file should be saved, the file name, the directory name, and the user account
information. This configuration file can later be downloaded with the ADMIN =>LOAD CONFIGURATION
=>FTP SERVER option.
Instructions for listing the configuration:
The menu option INFO =>SHOW CONFIGURATION =>ALL will list to the terminal screen the configuration of
the router. This can be saved in a text file and/or printed on a printer.