Appendices 83
Appendix B: Using DSView Software Over a Modem Connection
An external modem may be attached to the DSR2035/8035 switch. This modem may be used to
access the switch when an Ethernet connection is not available.
A modem/PPP dial-up connection must be established before the remote operation is enabled. The
dial-up connection options should be set to 115,200 bps, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and enabled
hardware flow control.
Before you begin
Perform the following actions before using the DSR Remote Operations software:
• Ensure that the DSR2035/8035 switch is configured. See Chapter 2 for more information.
• Ensure that DSR2035/8035 switch users have been added to the DSR2035/8035 switch inter-
nal database. If the DSView Server software is not available, the switch database is used for
authentication. If neither are available, authentication cannot be performed for the DSR2035/
8035 switch. See
Chapter 4 for more information.
• Ensure that an external modem is attached to the DSR2035/8035 switch MODEM port. The
modem should have auto-answer turned off (typically a modem’s default setting).
• Ensure that your client PC contains dial-up software and that the software is configured prop-
erly. See your operating system documentation for more information.
Establishing a DSR Remote Operations software connection
This is explained in detail in the DSView Installer/User Guide.