
50 DSView Installer/User Guide
Adjusting Video Parameters
In some situations, DS users may wish to view several target devices at the
same time on the same screen.
In most cases, you will not need to alter the Video Settings from the default.
The system will automatically adjust and use the optimal video parameters.
DSView performs best when the video parameters are set such that no (zero)
video packets are transmitted for a static screen.
To automatically adjust video parameters:
You may easily adjust your video parameters by clicking on the Auto Adjust
Video button, which instructs the DS/DSR appliance to optimize the video to
ideal settings.
Auto Adjust
Figure 4.5: The Auto Adjust Video Button
Customizing video parameters
DS users who wish to fine tune their video performance may do so by select-
ing Tools - Video - Manual Adjustments in the remote session window. This
displays the Video Adjustments dialog box. This dialog box will appear in one
of two ways, depending on whether you are using standard video compression
or the DSR DVC upgrade. See figures 4.6 and 4.7.
NOTE: The DSR DVC upgrade is standard on all newer DS/DSR appliances. Older DS/DSR
appliances use standard video compression. For DSR DVC upgrade purchase information, contact
Avocent Technical Support or your Avocent reseller.