14 Avocent Emerge ECMS2000U Extender Installer/User Guide
Accessing the System
When the User Access Node is powered up, it will automatically initiate a connection with the
remote computer.
To access the remote computer:
1. Power up the User Access Node.
2. A series of messages will be displayed on the screen to inform you of the progress
of the connection.
3. You will be able to interact with the remote computer as if it were located at your desk.
NOTE: If the remote computer has been powered down, the User Access Node cannot establish a connection.
The Serial Menu
The User Access Node incorporates a serial menu that allows you to:
• Configure network settings for the User Access Node
• Configure network settings for the Computer Access Node
• Set or change passwords
• Upgrade your firmware for the User Access Node and Computer Access Node
• Reset to factory defaults
• Set a session time-out value
• Change the audio performance settings
Accessing the serial menu
You can access the serial menu via the serial port on the back of the User Access Node. All terminal
commands are executed through a terminal or PC running HyperTerminal® emulation software
or equivalent.
NOTE: In this section of the manual the term “Transmitter” will be used to refer to the Computer Access Node.
NOTE: In this section of the manual the term “Receiver” will be used to refer to the User Access Node.
LED 2 Yellow static Linked but no activity
Yellow flashing Transmit/receive activity
Table 3.1: RJ-45 Connector LEDs (Continued)