Single port PS2 KVM over IP
Linux for terminating the X-Server. The syntax to define a new Button Key is as follows:
[confirm] < keycode > [+| - [_] < keycode >]_
confirm requests confirmation by a dialog box before the key strokes will be sent.
keycode is the key to be sent. Multiple key codes can be concatenated with a + or a - sign.
The + sign builds key combinations, all keys will be pressed until a - sign or the end of the
combination is encountered. In this case all pressed keys will be released in reversed
sequence. So the - sign builds single, separate keypresses and -releases. The * inserts a
pause with a user-definable duration. For a list of key codes and aliases PS/2 KVM over IP
switch recognizes refer to Appendix B.
Pressing the Apply button finally changes the values permanently in PS/2 KVM over IP switch.
5.5 Network Settings
The Network Settings panel as shown in Figure 5.12 allows changing network related
parameters. Each parameter will be explained below. Once applied the new network settings will
immediately come into effect.
The initial IP configuration is usually done directly at the host system using the special procedure
described in Section 4.1. However you can also connect to the PS/2 KVM over IP switch using
its pre-configured IP settings.
Changing the network settings of PS/2 KVM over IP switch might result in losing connection to
it. In case you change the settings remotely make sure all the values are correct and you still
have an option to access the PS/2 KVM over IP switch.