
Some equipment instead utilizes pulses as a trigger
signal. The V-5xe can also accommodate these units.
To change trigger modes, turn the rear panel switch
“Off” for about 30 seconds to discharge the internal
voltages. Then press and hold the front panel switch
while turning the rear panel switch “On”. The status
LED will rapidly flash red (about 10 Hz) to indicate
that the pulse-sensitive mode has been selected.
Repeating this procedure will revert the unit back
to the level-sensitive mode, as indicated by the
status LED slowly flashing red (about 1 Hz).
In the pulse-sensitive mode, a positive-going pulse
edge will toggle the amplifier between the
“Standby” and “Operate” states, duplicating the
action of the front-panel switch.
When using the trigger input, the front panel
switch is still operative. However, operating the
unit with the front panel switch may put the unit
out of “sync” with the control device. If this
should occur, simply press the front panel switch
again to restore “sync”.
100 to 500 hours of music
played through the system will
ensure full break-in.
Due to the manufacturing processes used for the
printed circuit boards, wires, and capacitors, a
break-in period is necessary for the amplifier to
reach its full performance potential.