
The Master Section gives the operator overall control of the settings that
apply to all inputs.
1. MASTER - BASS: Adds or subtracts bass to the
MATRIX-200 output.
2. MASTER - MID: Adds or subtracts the mid-range frequencies produced
by the MATRIX-200. This control will add vocal clarity or instrument
3. MASTER - TREBLE: Adds or subtracts the high range frequencies in the
overall mix.
ols the volume of the playback input jacks,
shown as No.23 on the diagram (right).
5. DIGITAL EFFECTS - LEVEL: Controls the mix level of the built in effects.
6. MASTER - DIGITAL EFFECTS: The MATRIX-200 features eight versatile
settings designed to suit a host of differing musical needs and tastes such
Large Hall, Large Room, Small Hall, Small Room, Echo, Slap Back,
Chorus Reverb and Chorus.
internal DSP effects to either MASTER section, or to individual channels.
8. MASTER - POWER: When this LED is illuminated, the MATRIX-200 is
connected to AC mains voltage and powered on.
9. MASTER - VOLUME: Controls overall volume of the MATRIX-200
except for the playback inputs (
See Description 4).
The Input section of the MATRIX-200 controls various aspects of the exter-
nal audio sources which can be plugged into the mixer, including micro-
phones, guitars, keyboards and certain other devices equipped with
either 1/4” jacks, 3.5mm stereo jacks, or microphone outputs
10. INPUT - EFFECTS: Controls level of each individual channel routed to
digital effects section when Effects Master/Input switch is in Source posi-
tion. These controls are not active when Effects Master/Input switch is in
Master position.
11. INPUT – TONE: Adjusts tonal balance of each individual channel.
ning tone counter
-clockwise adds bass, while tur
ning tone clockwise
adds treble.
12. INPUT – PAN (PAN/BALANCE on Channel 5): Controls routing mono
signals from Channels 1-4 to either Left or Right speakers. Place PAN in
neutral position to keep source centered. Turning this control from center
moves the image of the per
former on this channel towards one side.
Either fully clockwise or counter
-clockwise will place this per
mer in
either the right or left side alone. PAN/BALANCE on Channel 5 balances
eo image on ster
eo sour
ces connected to either STEREO LINE 1/4”
jack (15) or stereo MP3/CD 3.5mm jack (16), or pans mono source
connected to INSTRUMENT 1/4” jack (17).
13. INPUT – VOLUME: Controls volume of each individual channel.
14. INPUT – LINE: Unbalanced 1/4” jack inputs for channels 1-4. Will
accept wide variety of music sour
ces. Tip is connected to signal (+), while
sleeve is connected to signal gr
ound (—)
15. INPUT – STEREO LINE: 1/4” stereo jack to connect stereo sources
with line level output(s).
16. INPUT – MP3/CD: 3.5mm stereo pin plugs (TRS style) connects so
that your portable music source(s) can be used as an input to play
through your MATRIX-200.
17. INPUT – INSTRUMENT: 1/4” jack input for string instrument, such as
acoustical guitar with passive pickup, or electrical guitar
18. INPUT – MIC: Balanced XLR inputs to connect low-impedance micr
phones to channels 1-4. These inputs will accept virtually any micro-
phones, both dynamic and condenser. All four XLR inputs are phantom
powered to provide voltage required by condenser microphones. These
inputs will also accept any mic-level balanced signals.
19. INSERT INPUT/OUTPUT LEFT and RIGHT: 1/4” jacks to connect
external processing device, such as compressor or equalizer to
MATRIX-200. Each 1/4” jack has input and output; one jack for Left
channel and one jack for Right channel. SLEEVE on 1/4” jack is connect-
ed to the ground. RING must be connected to the input of external
device, and TIP must be connected to the output of external device. Please
refer to the diagram labeled “Y-Cable Setup” on Page 7 of this manual
for a graphic depiction of this.
NOTE: Different processors may have a different configuration than the
MATRIX-200 on their connectors. Please review the manual information
of the external processor before assuming it is the same as the
MATRIX-200. If the external processor uses a different connection
standard, then you will likely need to buy adaptors to properly connect
the two units together.
NOTE: Do not insert Mono 1/4” jacks into insert jacks.
20. EFFECTS SEND/RETURN LEFT and RIGHT: 1/4” jacks to connect
external effects processor. Each 1/4” jack has input and output; one jack
for Left channel, and one jack for Right channel. SLEEVE on 1/4” jack is
connected to the ground. RING must be connected to the input of external
processor, and TIP must be connected to the output of external processor.
Please refer to the diagram labeled “Y-Cable Setup” on Page 7 of this
manual for a graphic depiction of this.
ent pr
ocessors may have a dif
ent configuration than the
MATRIX-200 on their connectors. Please review the instruction manual
mation of the exter
nal pr
ocessor befor
e assuming it is the same as
the MATRIX-200. If the external processor uses a different connection
standard, then you will likely need to buy adaptors to properly connect
the two units together
NOTE: Do not inser
t Mono 1/4” jacks into inser
t jacks.
21. FOOTSWITCH EFFECTS/MUTE: This 1/4” jack is used to connect
footswitch to r
emotely mute digital ef
fects and master volume.
22. RECORD OUTPUTS: RCA jacks to connect stereo recording device
to MATRIX-200. This record output is unaffected by the Master volume
23. PLAYBACK INPUTS: RCA jacks used to connect stereo source to
. This input bypasses all controls, including Master Volume
(9) and Equalizer (1), (2), and (3), and is contr
olled only by playback
level control (4). It is also not affected by Mute Footswitch (22).