8. A lap/shoulder combination seat belt with a
buckle that can slide freely along the seat
belt may require the use of a locking clip.
(Fig. 42-2) Check your vehicle’s owner’s
manual to see if the vehicle manufacturer
has provided an alternate manner, such
as a locking retractor in which to prevent
movement of the lap portion of the seat belt.
• To install the locking clip, tighten the
buckled seat belt by pulling upward on
the shoulder portion of the seat belt
while pushing down hard on the Safety
Seat or Base.
• While maintaining downward pressure
on the Safety Seat or Base, squeeze the
shoulder belt and lap belt together just
above the buckle to prevent from moving.
Unbuckle the seat belt being careful to
prevent movement of the buckle.
• Secure the shoulder belt to the lap belt
by installing the locking clip 1/2 inch from
the buckle as shown in Fig. 42-3.
• Re-buckle the seat belt and check that
the seat belt is very tight around the
Safety Seat or Base. Pull on the lap belt
to ensure that the locking clip is locking
the lap belt and it remains very tight.
Fig. 42-1
Fig. 42-2
Fig. 42-3