- 3 -
(air that is free of CO), adjust the Zero Adjust knob at
the top of the instrument for a reading of 0 ±1 ppm.
If you’re not sure about the quality of the surrounding
air, you can apply a blend of Oxygen/Nitrogen gas to
the sensor as described under Calibration.
Checking for CO
Important! Ensure that the sensor grille at the rear of
the instrument is unobstructed and open to the atmo-
sphere. A quick instrument check can be performed by
allowing the smoke of a blown-out match to enter into
the sensor grille. This should cause the indicated CO
level to increase.
After zeroing the Snifit, simply hold the instrument in
the area that you suspect the presence of CO gas. If
CO is present, the instrument will indicate the
concentration of CO in ppm on its display.
Pressing the Backlight button will illuminate the
display for a period of 8 minutes, or until it is manu-
ally turned off by again pressing the Backlight button.
If the CO level exceeds 1999 ppm, the
displayed reading is replaced by the
number “1”.
Low Battery
When the Snifit’s 9V battery is
nearing the end of its useful life,
LO BAT will appear in the upper left
hand corner of the display. Although
you can continue using the instrument under this
condition, you should replace the battery as soon as
possible to ensure accurate CO readings.