Command "b": interconnection digital input 2 to digital output 2
Description: Via this command the RCM tells the RCS of class m to switch the signal of the second in-
put (
DIGITAL IN 2) to the second digital output DIGITAL OUT 2.
RCS executes the command and sends the acknowledge which informs via the status
register about the auto switch status (enabled or disabled) and if there is a sync signal on
DIGITAL IN 2 or not.
These conditions together determine the behavior of the
Example: The command b is sent to the second RCS:
m0 2 b 31
Let's assume the second input is not provided with a signal. Depending on the status of
DIGITAL OUT 2 is routed then to DIGITAL IN 1 (autoswitch enabled, sync sig-
nal present on input 2), or the projection module is white.
Let's further assume: autoswitch disabled, sync signal present on input 1, output 1 routed
to input 1.
Thus the status register looks like this:
Status Auto Switch Out2
Reserved Out2
Prsnt2 Prsnt1
0 1 1 011 0 1
Thus the acknowledge sent from the second RCS to the master reads:
Acknowledge <STX> <TYPE> <ADDRH> <ADDRL> <Body> <STATH> <STATL <CHKH> <CHKL> <ETX>
m0 2 b 6 dcb
Result: The actual routing of
DIGITAL OUT 2 is the target routing, but since there is no signal
present on
DIGITAL INPUT 2, the projection module connected to DIGITAL OUT 2is white.