User manual MFGD 2320 22
3 Turn the wheel to select the desired menu item.
4 Perform the settings as described below.
The Settings menu contains the following items:
DPMS..........................Click the control wheel to switch on/off the
automatic power saving system (DPMS)
Power LED ..................Click to switch the power LED on/off. Note: The
LED's orange DPMS state is not influenced by
this setting. So, when the display goes into
power-saving mode, the LED will turn orange,
even if it was switched off by this setting.
User Controls ..............Click to disable the control wheel functions so
that the on-screen display cannot be used after
quitting the OSD menus.
To enable the control wheel functions again:
a) Do not use the wheel for at least 3 seconds
Turn the control wheel 1 click clockwise
c) Click the control wheel 2 times
d) Turn the control wheel 1 click counterclock-
e) Select the Settings menu and switch Local
controls on again.
Actions b, c, d have to be performed in a
sequence that takes no longer than 3
Ambient Light Compensation ..... Click to switch the Ambient Light
Compensation system (ALC) on/off.
Automatic Menu Exit ...Click to switch the automatic menu exit feature
on/off. When switched on, the OSD menus
automatically close when left idle for some
3.9. Scan Mode
To enter the Scan Mode menu:
1 In the main menu, turn the control wheel to select the Scan Mode