User manual MIVD 1218
3 Turn the control wheel to select one of the categories: Input
selection, Test Pattern, Synchr. Sampl, Lookup Tables, Filter,
Power Led, ALC active, or de-interlacing.
4 Click the control wheel to enter the selected settings menu.
5 Turn the control wheel to change the setting.
6 Click the control wheel to confirm the change.
Input Selection
This setting allows you to define how the display will determine which
input to select: Analog (composite video input) or DVI.
These are the possibilities:
Automatic .................If Automatic is selected, the selection of the
input is determined according to the following
priority: 1) DVI input, 2) BNC inputs
A check mark (3) means On, a cross (2)
means Off.
Analog......................When on, the analog video input is selected.
Consequently, the Automatic setting will be
switched off.
A check mark (3) means On, a cross (2)
means Off.
DVI ...........................When on, the DVI input is selected.
Consequently, the Automatic setting will be
switched off.
A check mark (3) means On, a cross (2)
means Off.
Test Pattern
The display contains an internal grayscale test pattern. Switch it on in
case you want to do a quick visual check on the display quality.
A check mark (3) means it is switched on, a cross (2) means it is off.
Note: The test pattern runs independent from the signal input and the
actual scan mode.
Lookup Tables
This setting allows you to select a lookup table for the current scan
You can select the following lookup tables:
Panel........................Select a panel lookup table in case the graphic
board that generates the video signal already
provides gamma correction, a display function
or a non-linear lookup table.