PGXG-61B/PGWX-61B/PGWU-61B - - 2015/04/01
3. Installation
Adjusting the Projector’s Position
3.5 Adjusting the Projected Image
To determine where to position the projector, consider the size and shape of your screen, the location of your power
outlets, and the distance between the projector and the rest of your equipment. Here are some general guidelines:
Position the projector on a at surface at a right angle to the screen. -
Position the projector to the desired distance from the screen. -
The distance from the lens of the projector to the screen, the zoom setting, and the video format determine
the size of the projected image.
The image offset (shift) range for the projector please refer below: -
Model H V H1 V1
PGXG-61B 28% 100% 0% 40%
PGWX-61B 28% 100% 20% 60%
PGWU-61B 28% 100% 20% 40%
H: the horizontal image offset range when lens is centered.
V: the vertical image offset range when lens is centered.
H1: the horizontal image offset range when lens is at +/-100% vertical offset.
V1: the vertical image offset range when lens is when lens is at +/-28% horizontal offset.