100 Addendum
6.5 Command Line Interface
6.5.1 Display Control - Command Line Interface
The Display Control command line interface allows you to open layout files.
The command line interface can be accessed in a number of ways:
• From a shortcut specifying wallctl.exe as the target followed by the command line
options separated by spaces.
• From a command prompt by specifying the full path of wallctl.exe or by having the
folder where Display Control was installed on the path.
• From a batch file. The same rules as command prompt apply.
- Information that you must supply.
Bold - Elements that you must type exactly as shown.
Ellipsis (...) - Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line.
Between brackets ([]) - Optional items.
Between braces ({}) - Set of choices (separated by I) from which you must choose only one.
Courier font - Code or program output.
-Layout=layout file
• This command line argument specifies the layout file to be loaded.
• If the layout file name or path contains spaces then enclose the path in quotes, for
-layout=”C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\file.lay”
• -layout is not compatible with -machine.
• When used with the -layout option, -Exit will cause the Display Control application to
load the layout file without the application window being displayed and to terminate
once the layout file has been loaded.
• Use this option to open a layout file without displaying the Display Control application.
• When -Exit is specified on the command line, an exit code is returned.
• Used in conjunction with -Exit to suppress user interface dialog boxes.
-CloseWindows=Yes to close existing windows.
•Use -CloseWindows=No to keep existing windows open.
• When the -layout command line option is specified, the default value for -CloseWin-
dows is Yes.
• When the -machine command line option is specified, the default value for -CloseWin-
dows is No.
• Controls the appearance of the Display Control application window.