CYCLOPS (2001-12) R5976426 15-4
15 Appe ndix B: Source Numbers 81 - 86 And 91 - 96
15.1 Projector without any 800 peripheral connected.
The source numbers 81 - 86 and 91 - 96 do not correspond to physical inputs. An additional ad-
justment file can be created for these source numbers. This file can contain different settings. The
relationship between sources 1 - 6 and 91 - 96 or between 1 - 6 and 81 - 86 is shown in the dia-
gram below.
source input source
1 1 A
1 81 A’
1 91 A’’
2 2 B
2 82 B’
2 92 B’’
3 3 C
3 83 C’
3 93 C’’
6 6 F
6 86 F’
6 96 F’’
Follow the steps below to create a second or a third file for sources 1 to 6:
Select the source between 1 and 6.
Select the corresponding source number between 81 and 86 or 91 and 96 with the digit keys on
Enter the
adjustment mode and load a corresponding file. Edit this file if necessary.
Save the file and exit the
adjustment mode.
15.2 Projector with a 800 peripheral connected.
15.2.1 Source numbers 91 - 99.
The source numbers 91 - 99 do not correspond to physical inputs. An additional adjustment file
can be created for these source numbers (source numbers of the 800 peripheral). This file can
contain different settings. The relationship between sources 1 - 9 of the 800 peripheral and 91 - 99
is shown in the diagram below.