
3. Configuration Wizard
Image 3-34
Adjustment of Phase
3.3.13 Mechani
cal overlap setup
Overlap zone
The common area of 2 projector images next to each other. In this zone there will be soft edge
blending, so that the combined screens will look like one big screen.
What should be done
The overlap area should be mechanically adjusted by shifting the lenses.
Image 3-35
Update patterns
How to proceed
1. If you want to upload everything in the list, just check the checkbox on top of the window next to Update
2. If you want to upload only part of the list, check only the checkbox next to the items you want to upload.
Note: When one item is unchecked, the checkbox on top will be uncheck too.
The foll
owing items can be updated:
p setup
A special outline pattern will be applied
Soft-edge setup Mark off lines of soft-edge blending will be shown
3. Click on Next>> to apply the test patterns.
A log window will be displayed in which you can follow the process. (image 3-36)
R5976476 VIEWSCAPE TOOLSET 01/07/2004