3. Installation
3.1 Mounting the waterproof housing
How to mount ?
1. Put one part of the cable sealing around the cable (1).
Use the 8 mm sealing parts for the fiber cable.
Use the 9 mm sealing parts for the other cables.
An 8 or a 9 is indicated inside the sealing.
2. Put some impregnated silicone on the contact borders of b oth pieces.
3. Place a second cable sealing part on the first one (2). (image 3-1)
4. Closethesealingwith2wireties. (image3-2)
Tip: Try to place the junction of the wire tie somewhere at the side. It makes the closing of the housing easier.
5. Repeat those actions for the other cable end.
6. Make the connection. Plug in and secure with the hand screws. (im age 3-3)
7. Insert both sides of the connection into the waterproof housing. Be aware that the grooves in the sealing matches the opening
in the waterproof housing. (image 3-4)
8. Spread some impregnated silicone on the contact borders of the housing.
9. Place the secon d part of the housing on th e first part an d pull until the housing is completely c
10. S ecure by turning the hand screws (on both sides of the housing) a quarter turn anti clockwise. (image 3-5, image 3-6)
Tip: Use the velcro strip to make a loop so that the housing can be attach ed somewhere.
Image 3-1
Mount cable sealing
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