NOOK User Guide Reading 120
choose a page or destination in the eBook. If the eBook has bookmarks, tap Bookmarks > Go to
bookmark to jump to a bookmarked page.
fo rward ba ck
Touch a spot on the touchscreen with your finger already moving sideways. The
swipe does not need to be a long one (it can be about 3/4 inch long), and it can be
anywhere on the touchscreen.
You can go to these locations in an eBook, newspaper, or magazine using the menus:
• A specific page
• For items in your B&N library, if your NOOK is automatically saving the current reading page to
BN.com, you can go to the current reading page that was last saved on BN.com (possibly from a
dierent B&N eReader). For information, see “Synchronizing Reading Across Devices” on page 127.
• Cover (eBooks) or Front page (newspapers and magazines)
• Chapters (eBooks) or Sections (newspapers and magazines)
• Bookmarks (eBooks)