Barnes & Noble NOOK HD User Guide 55
NOTE: When you’re engaged in a Read and Play activity, use the right arrow and left arrow onscreen to turn
pages. When an activity is live, gestures like tapping and swiping interact with the activity; they don’t
turn pages.
Left- and right-page-turn arrows display when an activity is live.
Some activities end automatically. Other activities continue until you stop them. To stop an activity, do one of the
• Tap the stop button in the center top of the page, or
• Tap the left- or right-page-turn arrow to stop the activity and turn the page.
Recording Yourself Reading a Book
You can record yourself reading a NOOK Kids book, save the recording, and play it back.
To record yourself reading a NOOK Kids book, do this:
1. Tap the cover of the NOOK Kids book you want to record.
2. On the opening screen of the book, tap the green Read and Record button.
Your NOOK opens the book to the first page.
3. Press the green Record button and read the two-page spread.
When you start to record, the Record button changes to a Stop button. You’ll know you’re recording because a
red indicator will circle the stop button.
Here are some tips for making the best possible recording:
• Do not cover up the microphone with your hand when recording.
• Hold the device between 12” to 18” from your face.
• The microphone works best when there is no background noise.